January in Numbers

January in Numbers

I can’t believe we’re already two weeks into February! This year is seriously flying by. I wanted to do a quick breakdown of each month as I move through training cycles, so this is January. Better late than never, right?



Yoga sessions: 0. Whoops. Ended up not being home enough to get to the studio.

Books read: 0 :(. Unless you count re-reading Racing Weight for my nutrition research?

Time with family: I think one weekend? Kind of fuzzy because I was travelling so much, and my parents were also away for a week.

Favourite day: Hard to say! Brunch with friends maybe?IMG_2374

Medicine (Crazy?:)//

Days worked: 10

Rotations done: 1 (ICU)

Exams written: 0! :)

IMG_2520Triathlon (Fast-ish)//

Swim workouts/kms: 4 workouts, 6800 m

Bike workouts/kms: 5 workouts, not sure how many kms because I was getting my trainer/spin bike setup figured out for most of January.

Run workouts/kms: 23 workouts, 178.7 km

Strength workouts: 4

Total hours: 23:31

Indoor workouts/outdoor workouts:  6 outdoor, 27 indoor

Best/favourite workout: Double run day!

Average RHR: 49 bpmProcessed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Travels + Other goals (Life!)//

Places visited: Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Kingston

Plane rides: Tooooo many. 8 I think?

Favourite location: Probably have to give this one to Vancouver! Although I’m tempted to say home, in my own bed, close to my friends and training mates!

Days I actually drank 1.5 L water: Probably about 5. Kinda sad. Coffee should count!

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